1.First of all you need to install hadoop and you can get the complete installaion, step by step guide from video given below where you can install the hadoop by professionla way or you can also try my automated process which is on website https://cloudyrathor.com/how-to-install-hadoop-in-10-minutes/
2.Once you install the hadoop then you need to download the setup of hbase, here in my case i downloaded the apache 1.4.0 for the compatibility of my hadoop version.
3.Now login with the user which you made while hadoop instalation in my case i created the dedicated user named "hadoop1".
4.By using su hadoop1 you can login into the hadoop user and once you login with the same its time to start the hadoop by typing “start-all.sh” or you can start the hadoop by typing
Now check all the daemon and service of the hadoop by typing jps....
you can also check the version of the hadoop by typing “hadoop -version”
Now remember the location where you downloaded the hbase setup
Copy the setup to the location /home/hadoop1 using cp command
Now its time to un-tar the file and we have this magical command to do the same.
tar -xvzf location/filename.tar.gz
Now move the file un-tar folder to /usr/local/hbase
Now check the same for the changes
now we need to do some changes in the bashrc file and we can do this by typing
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
export HBASE_HOME=/usr/local/hbase
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/hadoop
.bashrc is a shell script that Bash runs whenever it is started interactively. It initializes an interactive shell session. You can put any command in that file that you could type at the command prompt.
Just a momemnt before you move the folder to the location and that location you need to specify in the bashrc file at HBASE_HOME and paste it at the end of the file.
which will set the HBASE_HOME and PATH for the hbase....
now save by ctrl+o and ctrl+e
Now we need to set the H-master by changing the file content which is at /etc/hosts
The HBase Master coordinates the HBase Cluster and is responsible for administrative operations. A Region Server can serve one or more Regions. ... The mapping of Regions to Region Servers is kept in a system table called META
Now set the ip of your machine to local host.
Now goto the /usr/local where you will find the hbase folder
Now whatever the configuration you will required will be available on my website you can copy these configuration from there link is in the description.
Go to the hbase folder and type ls
you will find the conf folder now to to conf folder and here we need to set the jdk path by
sudo hbase-env.sh
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
Here one thing you need to focus....... This version of hbase is only compatible with the java jdk-8 version and if you have another version install jdk-8 version and check the folder on that location. otherwise hbase will not work
you can check your version by java -version command
Now its time to configure hbase-site.xml set the properties
Now paste the properties
here hbase.rootdir mean it is set as a root directory and at localhost:9000 you will get hbase
for master port we set the 60001 and to enable the distributed mode we need to give true here
At last component of hbase is zookeeper and we set the path so check it before running the hbase
and set the no of client you need to service here we gave 35 you can give any no.
one important thing is remove the zookeeper folder if you already tried to install the hbase you can goto to the /usr/local folder and check it. and delete or remove it by rm -fr zookeeper/ command it.
so we successfully configure the hbase.
Now our two main components are checked now check for the third component and that is region server it should be set to localhost
To check it goto the /usr/local/hbase/conf/
and type sudo nano regionservers and if it is localhost then it is ok.
now you can start the hbase
now start the hadoop if it is not started or type jps to check it and go to /usr/local/hbase/bin and type ./start-hbase.sh
now check the gui on brouser by typing localhost:16010 and you will get the gui
Now it time to get the hbase shell
and type ./hbase shell