Day Wise Schedule of the Worksop
Day-1 :
1.Basics of Youtube
2.How to create a Youtube Channel
3.How to set up the channel (Basic Configuration)
4.How to record Video and Audio
5.How to record screen (OBS and VOKOSCREEN software)
5.Assignment for the next day ( Record Your Demo Video for Editing)
Day-2 :
1.Hands-on Session on Video Editing in Kdenlive Software(Open Source)
2.How to record video and removing of noise
3.How to add background music
Day-3 :
1.How to get a free video for making a youtube video
2.How to get royalty free background music.
3.Intro about green screen
4.Assignment for the next day ( Prepare your profile to make your own website)
(It will require Your nice professional pic, Your Details, Your Education Qualification and your work)
Day-4 :
1.How to choose a website platform
2.How to make Google Website
3.How to create an online Quiz ( Using google form )
Day-5 :
1.How to Create a Digital Certificate
2.How to Apply timer to Exam and Check for the cheating if any.
3.Intro to how to take Online Classes
4.Question and Answer Session.